you won’t fully appreciate this first video until you see the last video of this article but the new teslas have expanded their LED weapon systems in the front and the back… check out the new headlights as they span the the entire front and back of the vehicle, not only improving various angles of attack but increasing the power output for full frontal and rear attacks…
every smart car with an LED dash display has been weaponized and is equipped with GPS, tracking and targeting components, sensors and cameras surveilling every angle, feeding real time intel to the hive HQ via 5G… once a targeted individual is within range the smart cars automatically begin to target their victims with gang stalkers positioning themselves in the tailgating position for maximum effect… and of course with teslas, there’s no real need for a driver to perform the tailgating anymore…
weaponized LED lights can cause a medical emergency and even kill in mere seconds once the tailgater opens fire with this energy weapon system…. no noise, no bullet holes and no evidence of an attack and yet this is what the NASA war documents are really about… LED weapon systems use extreme UV for maximum effect… extreme UV is sub X-ray and while legal is extremely lethal in weaponized form and difficult to block with conventional shielding… but it is now possible to assassinate or torture any target on the road and the coverage is relentless and non-stop for those being targeted and for those currently engaging or resisting this borg-like system… nothing is as it seems and it’s not until you wake up to the transhuman genocide that you can appreciate the extent of the deployment of smart weapons… the skynet assimilation of humanity has already begun according to nano-tech reports related to nicotine and nano-tech in the vaccine… check out this next video for a better understanding of how weaponized headlights work in new vehicles equipped with LED and GPS…
smart cars, smart death towers, smart dust, the death vax… this is just some of the advanced tech that’s hiding in plain site in this mock 2025 reality we live in… if it isn’t the matrix out there, then it’s some kind of westworld zoo where humans are harvested for cyborg / nano-tech assimilation, organ harvesting, adrenochrome harvesting and more… the worst is yet to come as brain chips and automated machine cities powered by super a.i. come online… are worst nightmares are about to come true and time is running out for pure bloods to prepare for next generation warfare… it’s why we strongly suggest you check out our guide to the transhuman genocide in the following section…